after submitting photos for wallpaper I can check "my skins" and it will say waiting for approval, but the next day there is nothing there and no message as to the outcome, do I just have to assume that it was rejected, I always submit under the photography category and there has only been a couple of new additions in that category in the last month, and although beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I am of course bias, I thought my last submission was as good as the last 10 that were on display, it would be nice to leave a ménage in "my skins" even a {your last submission "xxxxxxx" was rejected, please try again} would be nice, thanks
on Aug 29, 2004
If your wall is accepted, you will receive an email notification.
If it is rejected, you will see 'waiting for approval' disappear.
This can be traced back to and blamed upon all of those people who (inappropriately) found it necessary to become abusive when their wall was not accepted.
Sorry, that's just the way it is..

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on Aug 29, 2004
Thank you for the reply, sorry the post appeared twice, I was having a difficult time on submitting the thread, I thought the problem was at this end so I disconnected the power to my router (hard reset) and tried again, I will keep submitting and hopefully will come up with a worthy entry, thanks again I truly enjoy this site.
on Aug 29, 2004
I submitted a lot of walls from hard boiling 3d to simple ms paint. But Nothing got approved. Its a pretty hard task to achieve.